SJFCC vs St Albans Diocese 2005-05-17. Win by 5 wickets By Dave Boxer Result: St. Albans Diocese, 170 for 6 from 40 overs; The Mighty Fishers, 174 for 5 from 27.1 overs. This was a suberb win for the Mighty Fishers, in a game that looked uwinable after the […]
Old Match reports
SJFCC vs Garden Fields 2005-05-12. Win by 5 wickets By Dave Boxer Result: Garden Fields: 122 for 7 from 20 overs; The Mighty Fishers: 123 for 5 from 19.4 overs. Another extremely tight but well-deserved victory for The Mighty Fishers, and when I say tight, I mean duck’s arse tight. […]
SJFCC vs St Albans U15 2005-05-05. Win by 2 wickets By Dave Boxer Result: St Albans U15s 94 for 5 from 20 overs; The Mighty Fishers 96 for 8 from 18.2 overs. A new season, same old rubbish! Fishers scraped a victory in our first match of the season against […]
SJFCC vs Archway Graces 2004-09-05. Loss By Dave Evening all, Belated match report for last Sunday’s (5th) game. It’s going to be brief as there isn’t really much to shout about! Result: Mighty (ish) Fishers, 82 all out from 30.3 overs; Archway Graces, 83 for 7 from 30 overs. […]
SJFCC vs Hackney Grasshoppers 2004-08-15. Win By Dave Boxer Match report for Sunday August 15th: Hackney Grasshoppers, 213 for 3 from 40 overs; The Mighty Fishers, 215 for 7 from 39.3 overs. This was an absolutely cracking win; probably the best result and overall performance of the season so […]
SJFCC vs Abdul Aziz 2004-08-01. Win By Dave Boxer By popular demand, here’s the match report for last Sunday’s (Aug 1st) game. Result: Mighty Fishers, 192 all out from 35 overs; Abdul Aziz, 177 all out from 34. 3 (I think) overs. So, another good win for us. This […]
SJFCC vs The Washington 2004-07-25. Win By Dave Boxer Hi boys and girls (Jules and Nick), Here’s the match report for yesterday’s game. First up, the vital statistics: The Mighty Mighty Fishers, 214 for 6 from 35 overs; The Washington, 198 all out from 34.3 overs. Having lost the […]
SJFCC vs Archway Graces 2004-07-18. Loss By Dave Boxer Evening all (or morning all if you’re reading this when you get into work on Monday.) Unfortunately, we lost only our second game of the season today. Result: Fishers 127 all out (although only 10 men) from 34.2 overs; Archway Graces128 […]
SJFCC vs STAGS 2004-07-15. Win By Dave Boxer I thought I’d write the report this evening for 3 reasons: 1. It was a great game and there’s loads to write about. 2. It’s still fresh in my mind, and 3. I may not be able to fit it into my hectic […]
SJFCC vs Lower Red Lion 2004-07-01. Win By Dave Boxer Here is some light relief for those dragging Friday afternoons: Result: Lower Red Lion 89 for 9 from 20 overs, The Mighty Fishers 90 for 6 from 18.2 overs. After losing the toss (I say toss, what I […]
SJFCC vs MCCC 2004-06-27. Win By Dan Jacobs At last the match report Another excellent performance from SJFCC resulted in a very close match that went down to the last ball. You’ll have to read down to the end of the report to find out the outcome. As Captain for […]
SJFCC vs Homewood Rd 2004-06-15. Win By Dave Boxer Very belated match report – again. Apologies once again, but what can I say, I’m on holiday and frankly I couldn’t be @rsed this morning (or afternoon, or early evening for that matter!) Right, I’m going to keep this one fairly […]
SJFCC vs Limpley Stoke CC 2004-06-20. Loss By Anthony Grant Morning gents, After the morning’s headache of getting everyone together at the hotel, despatching the wimmin to the shops and allowing Chen to lead a convoy of players on a magical mystery tour of North Somerset, we all finally reached […]
SJFCC vs Killigrew 2004-06-10. Win By Dave Boxer So, the 100% record continues: 9 out of 9 (if we discount the draw after last week’s rained off fixture against Garden Fields). Result: Killigrew 96 all out from 19.1 overs, Fishers 97 for 3 from 15.5 overs. Like most teams we […]
SJFCC vs Lower Red Lion 2004-06-06. Win By Andy Harris St John Fisher CC 201 for 4 (35 overs), Lower Red Lion CC 104 all out (27.1overs) I knew it was going to be an odd match, before even the first ball was bowled. Primarily as it was a […]
SJFCC vsGarden Fields 2004-06-03. Abandoned By Andy Harris After yours truly decided to lose the toss again (3-3 record for losing, I thank you!) we set out to field with an excellent troupe in the field. End of the first over GFCC were 9-1… hmmmm. After the sixth over, following […]
SJFCC vs Crabtree 2004-05-27. Win By Dave Boxer Any way here goes. Result: Crabtree 109 for 2 from 20 overs, Fishers 112 for 5 from 17.4 overs. That makes it 7 out of 7 for the season – I feel an Arsenal coming on, but that’s enough about Andy. OK, […]
SJFCC vs STAGS 2004-05-26. Win By Dave Boxer First, the vital stats (take note Mao!): The Mighty Fishers: 124 for 6 from 20 overs. Stags: 109 for 7 from 20 overs. Very enjoyable game down at the park. Managed to get started in fairly reasonable time, although the skipper, yours […]